Where Do Australian Politicians Stand on AI Safety?

See how parties and candidates rate on critical AI safety policies for the 2025 election

Making AI Safety a 2025 Election Priority

The decisions made by our next parliament will shape Australia's approach to AI safety at a critical time. Our scorecard evaluates where political parties and candidates stand on two essential policies that are both tractable and impactful for the next term of government.

These policy priorities have been endorsed by 191 experts, public figures, and members of the public who have signed our open letter.Add your voice →

Use this information to inform your vote and contact candidates to urge them to prioritise AI safety.

Party Positions on AI Safety

See where major political parties stand on AI safety policies that will be crucial in the next term of government.

How to Use These Scorecards

  1. Find your electorate's scorecard using the search tool above
  2. Compare party positions on AI safety policies
  3. Contact candidates to express your support for AI safety
  4. Share with friends and family to raise awareness
  5. Use this information when casting your vote

Join 191 Experts, Public Figures, and Members of the Public Supporting AI Safety

Our open letter and policy priorities have been endorsed by experts in AI, technology, ethics, and policy. Add your voice to show politicians that Australians care about safe and responsible AI governance.

Sign the Open Letter

After signing, share with your network: